No Vaccine Passports
Sign the petition against vaccine passports:
46,521 signatures
Goal: 50,000 Signatures
With the introduction of a vaccine passport in Saskatchewan on October 1st and Nova Scotia on October 4th, and with Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island announcing they will be introducing vaccine passports in the next few days, every province in Canada will soon require a vaccine passport for members of the public to go about their business.
This is despite every single province saying that they were opposed to vaccine passports earlier in the year, and a number of Premiers and governments expressing serious concerns about the privacy and legal implications of introducing such documents.
That's why we've decided to expand our petition, which started in Alberta and has already received almost 40,000 signatures, across the country.
Citizens from across Canada, who are concerned about privacy, government surveillance, and an ever-increasing threat of living in a country where the government wants to know what you're doing, where, at all times, can now sign this petition, and we will pass on the results of the petition to governments across the country.
To be clear, we are not opposed to vaccines.
While they don't appear to be perfectly effective, the benefits appear to outweigh the risks for most older age groups.
But medical decisions must always be a personal choice, and the kind of police state that is at risk of being imposed across Canada is not acceptable under any circumstances.
Please, wherever you are in Canada, sign our petition against vaccine passports, and share it with your friends, family, colleagues, and community.
No Vaccine Passports
Over and over again, Jason Kenney told Albertans that there would be no vaccine passports in Alberta.
He told us last year that there can't be, because they're illegal, because asking people about private medical information is against the law.
He told us again, earlier this year, in no uncertain terms, he would never introduce a vaccine passport.
The United Conservative Party even sent a fundraising email, JUST LAST WEEK, raising money off Jason Kenney's promise that Alberta would not have a vaccine passport.
Yet, here we are today, and Jason Kenney just announced a vaccine passport for Alberta.
Jason Kenney might have changed his mind, again, but we haven't.
We stand up for Albertan's civil liberties, and not having to carry an identification document with private medical information on it, and show it to random strangers, is a pretty key civil liberty.
To be clear, there is absolutely no scientific evidence, whatsoever, that vaccine passports stop the spread of COVID-19.
There is some evidence from other jurisdictions that requiring vaccine passports increases the uptake of the vaccine (though even this evidence is mixed).
But since when are Albertans ok with a government doing something simply because the ends justify the means?
Governments are supposed to stand up for our rights, not infringe on them, even if it's "for the greater good".
Enough is enough.
Let's send a message to Jason Kenney.
Enough lies.
Enough government overreach.
Enough trampling on civil liberties.
Sign the petition against Vaccine Passports now, by clicking here:
No Vaccine Passports
Sign the petition against vaccine passports:
46,521 signatures
Goal: 50,000 Signatures
With the introduction of a vaccine passport in Saskatchewan on October 1st and Nova Scotia on October 4th, and with Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island announcing they will be introducing vaccine passports in the next few days, every province in Canada will soon require a vaccine passport for members of the public to go about their business.
This is despite every single province saying that they were opposed to vaccine passports earlier in the year, and a number of Premiers and governments expressing serious concerns about the privacy and legal implications of introducing such documents.
That's why we've decided to expand our petition, which started in Alberta and has already received almost 40,000 signatures, across the country.
Citizens from across Canada, who are concerned about privacy, government surveillance, and an ever-increasing threat of living in a country where the government wants to know what you're doing, where, at all times, can now sign this petition, and we will pass on the results of the petition to governments across the country.
To be clear, we are not opposed to vaccines.
While they don't appear to be perfectly effective, the benefits appear to outweigh the risks for most older age groups.
But medical decisions must always be a personal choice, and the kind of police state that is at risk of being imposed across Canada is not acceptable under any circumstances.
Please, wherever you are in Canada, sign our petition against vaccine passports, and share it with your friends, family, colleagues, and community.
No Vaccine Passports
Over and over again, Jason Kenney told Albertans that there would be no vaccine passports in Alberta.
He told us last year that there can't be, because they're illegal, because asking people about private medical information is against the law.
He told us again, earlier this year, in no uncertain terms, he would never introduce a vaccine passport.
The United Conservative Party even sent a fundraising email, JUST LAST WEEK, raising money off Jason Kenney's promise that Alberta would not have a vaccine passport.
Yet, here we are today, and Jason Kenney just announced a vaccine passport for Alberta.
Jason Kenney might have changed his mind, again, but we haven't.
We stand up for Albertan's civil liberties, and not having to carry an identification document with private medical information on it, and show it to random strangers, is a pretty key civil liberty.
To be clear, there is absolutely no scientific evidence, whatsoever, that vaccine passports stop the spread of COVID-19.
There is some evidence from other jurisdictions that requiring vaccine passports increases the uptake of the vaccine (though even this evidence is mixed).
But since when are Albertans ok with a government doing something simply because the ends justify the means?
Governments are supposed to stand up for our rights, not infringe on them, even if it's "for the greater good".
Enough is enough.
Let's send a message to Jason Kenney.
Enough lies.
Enough government overreach.
Enough trampling on civil liberties.
Sign the petition against Vaccine Passports now, by clicking here: