Alberta Minute: Curriculum Finalized, Transit Funding, and a Wild Pig Bounty

Alberta Minute: Curriculum Finalized, Transit Funding, and a Wild Pig Bounty

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


This Week In Alberta:

  • After a two-week hiatus, the Legislature will be sitting for morning, afternoon, and evening sessions Tuesday and Wednesday, but only for morning and afternoon sessions on Thursday. When business gets underway on Tuesday, the Assembly will consider Bill 2, the Financial Statutes Amendment Act (2022) and Bill 10, the Health Professions (Protecting Women and Girls) Amendment Act (2022).

  • Committees will be busy this week. On Tuesday, from 8:00 am to 10:00 am, the Standing Committee on Public Accounts will meet to consider the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Annual Report as well as the Committee’s own annual report. On Thursday, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, the Standing Committee on Private Bills and Private Members’ Public Bills will meet to discuss Bill 204 (the Anti-Racism Act) as well as Bill 205 (the Human Tissue and Organ Donation (Mandatory Referral) Amendment Act, 2022). Finally, the Select Special Information and Privacy Commissioner Search Committee will meet on Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. No agenda has been posted for this meeting yet.

  • A bounty on wild pigs is now available in Alberta. The government is paying $75 dollars per boar, as well as asking Albertans to report any sightings or signs of the animals. The bounty program will be administered by participating municipalities. So far, Stettler County and the Municipal District of Peace have signed on.


Last Week In Alberta:

  • The provincial government announced that it would match federal transit funding in Calgary, Edmonton, and 24 other municipalities in Alberta. The total funding commitment from the Province will be around $80 million. Calgary Transit will receive about $82.3 million in joint federal/provincial funding while Edmonton will receive about $66.9 million.

  • The government finalized part of the K-6 curriculum it will be using this year. Updates to K-3 math and English language arts and literature, as well as K-6 physical education and wellness will begin in September. This is the latest revision, updated after the previous draft was criticized for containing concepts that weren’t age-appropriate. The Alberta Teachers’ Association said they didn’t trust the government to address their concerns, and that schools have not had adequate time to prepare for the new curriculum's roll out in September 2022.
  • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came to Edmonton to promote the federal budget. Instead of explaining to us why oil projects out east are approved and oil projects in western Canada are denied, Trudeau instead used the time to say that Alberta wasn’t effectively combating opioid drug overdoses. We’re so glad he offered concrete solutions…




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  • Alberta Institute
    published this page in News 2022-04-18 00:59:08 -0600