Time To Trash The Plastics Ban

Who's Signing?

Heather Foster
Margaret Kosher
Jennifer Wheeler
Bernadine Visotto
John Sim
Linda Hibbert
Brady Wiebe
Lee Morrison
William Petlyk
Lesley Balfour
Nettie Roy
Hillar Lilles
Joe Renaud
Kevin Gurr
Penelope Serediuk
Anne Donhauser
Mike Poelzer
Peggy Todd
garet stewart
Greg McCarthy
Alex Knox
Lyle Stauffer
Justin Johnson
April Scott
Searle Sheldon
Cliff Milley
Frank Lepko
Ryan Torris
Noel Rabey
Laila Schober

Showing 2392 comments

  • Heather Foster
    signed 2023-07-14 15:39:47 -0600
    Please stop the plastic ban.
  • Margaret Kosher
    signed 2023-07-14 15:39:19 -0600
  • Jennifer Wheeler
    signed 2023-07-14 15:27:10 -0600
  • Bernadine Visotto
    signed 2023-07-14 15:25:51 -0600
    My 7-year-old grandson choked on a paper straw when he sucked the disintegrated end of the straw into his throat. PAPER STRAWS ARE NOT SAFEESPECIALLY FOR OUR KIDS.
  • John Sim
    signed 2023-07-14 15:18:39 -0600
  • Linda Hibbert
    signed 2023-07-14 15:17:57 -0600
  • Brady Wiebe
    signed 2023-07-14 15:14:26 -0600
  • Lee Morrison
    signed 2023-07-14 15:11:38 -0600
    Remember when the cry of enviros opposed to the use of paper in shopping bags had the pro-plastic slogan “Save a Tree” ? What can we do to satisfy these people ?
  • William Petlyk
    signed 2023-07-14 14:52:26 -0600
  • Lesley Balfour
    signed 2023-07-14 14:50:38 -0600
  • Nettie Roy
    signed 2023-07-14 14:50:17 -0600
  • Hillar Lilles
    signed 2023-07-14 14:50:16 -0600
  • Joe Renaud
    signed 2023-07-14 14:43:34 -0600
  • Kevin Gurr
    signed 2023-07-14 14:42:06 -0600
  • Penelope Serediuk
    signed 2023-07-14 14:36:55 -0600
  • Anne Donhauser
    signed 2023-07-14 14:30:13 -0600
  • Mike Poelzer
    signed 2023-07-14 14:25:46 -0600
    Cutting down trees to make useless cardboard straws seems like a great way to save the environment. #sarcasm
  • Peggy Todd
    signed 2023-07-14 14:19:54 -0600
  • garet stewart
    signed 2023-07-14 14:17:11 -0600
  • Greg McCarthy
    signed 2023-07-14 14:17:10 -0600
  • Alex Knox
    signed 2023-07-14 14:12:16 -0600
  • Lyle Stauffer
    signed 2023-07-14 14:00:04 -0600
  • Justin Johnson
    signed 2023-07-14 13:51:24 -0600
  • April Scott
    signed 2023-07-14 13:48:15 -0600
  • Searle Sheldon
    signed 2023-07-14 13:34:42 -0600
    keep up the good work!
  • Cliff Milley
    signed 2023-07-14 13:33:07 -0600
  • Frank Lepko
    signed 2023-07-14 13:31:24 -0600
  • Ryan Torris
    signed 2023-07-14 13:31:08 -0600
  • Noel Rabey
    signed 2023-07-14 13:19:05 -0600
  • Laila Schober
    signed 2023-07-14 13:17:17 -0600