Time To Trash The Plastics Ban

Who's Signing?

Gil Craige
Cheryl Boehr
Rod Moser
Debbie Schimpf
Harry Voorhorst
Bert Franssens
Dianne Wittke
Mark Samcoe
Kristi Joyce
Greg Olson
Sharon Taylor
Bernard Brister
Joel Gelfand
Dennis Heck
Taddie Sy
Gerald Kisinger
Melanie Ollen
George Zaharia
Patricia Pickup
LeRoy Archer
Sharon Phillips
Brian Hawkings
Gordon Parchewsky
Merv Schafer
Janice Vachon
Tom Gaetz
Elsie Veitch
Linda Moffat
Jay Johnson
Elvira Plett

Showing 2389 comments

  • Gil Craige
    signed 2023-07-15 16:45:05 -0600
    Justa Truedud should get a plastic bag over his empty head.
  • Cheryl Boehr
    signed 2023-07-15 16:42:43 -0600
  • Rod Moser
    signed 2023-07-15 16:37:48 -0600
  • Debbie Schimpf
    signed 2023-07-15 16:00:42 -0600
  • Harry Voorhorst
    signed 2023-07-15 15:45:20 -0600
  • Bert Franssens
    signed 2023-07-15 15:40:53 -0600
  • Dianne Wittke
    signed 2023-07-15 15:32:47 -0600
  • Mark Samcoe
    signed 2023-07-15 15:25:28 -0600
  • Kristi Joyce
    signed 2023-07-15 14:55:31 -0600
  • Greg Olson
    signed 2023-07-15 14:50:02 -0600
  • Sharon Taylor
    signed 2023-07-15 14:20:28 -0600
  • Bernard Brister
    signed 2023-07-15 14:08:24 -0600
  • Joel Gelfand
    signed 2023-07-15 13:30:25 -0600
  • Dennis Heck
    signed 2023-07-15 13:08:16 -0600
  • Taddie Sy
    signed 2023-07-15 12:37:03 -0600
    basically whatever the gov’t does – the opposite is the best
  • Gerald Kisinger
    signed 2023-07-15 12:23:17 -0600
  • Melanie Ollen
    signed 2023-07-15 12:19:52 -0600
    Get rid of these stupid wooden forks.
  • George Zaharia
    signed 2023-07-15 11:40:22 -0600
    Liberal Government stupidity has no bounds!
  • Patricia Pickup
    signed 2023-07-15 11:36:30 -0600
  • LeRoy Archer
    signed 2023-07-15 11:31:52 -0600
  • Sharon Phillips
    signed 2023-07-15 11:14:05 -0600
  • Brian Hawkings
    signed 2023-07-15 11:12:39 -0600
    Banning plastic is causeing businesses to go to paper or wooden spoon in fast food. So start cutting down more trees to save us from plastic?? Good thinking Justii
  • Gordon Parchewsky
    signed 2023-07-15 11:06:10 -0600
  • Merv Schafer
    signed 2023-07-15 11:03:01 -0600
  • Janice Vachon
    signed 2023-07-15 11:02:17 -0600
  • Tom Gaetz
    signed 2023-07-15 10:56:48 -0600
  • Elsie Veitch
    signed 2023-07-15 10:46:05 -0600
  • Linda Moffat
    signed 2023-07-15 10:36:25 -0600
  • Jay Johnson
    signed 2023-07-15 10:36:02 -0600
  • Elvira Plett
    signed 2023-07-15 10:31:15 -0600