Protect Due Process For Traffic Violations

Who's Signing?

Viktoryia Paulovich
Jonathan Yee
Austin Munro
Brigitte Renaud
Tammy Charlton
Brent Aylesworth
Jordan Neels
Gaylene Yanick
Eli A
Bernie Robitaille
Lauren Baile
Matt Sydenham
Trevor Bernes
Vincent Landry
John Jenkins
Robert Tizzard
Ross Holben
Jason Barnsley
Douglas Murray
David Nelson
John Kern
Nathan Hillier
Jon Fitzlaff
Rod Pettigrew
Josephine Fothergill
Joanne Johnson
Jason Wiebe
Daryl Volkman
Andy Glatiotis
Douglas Plaxton

Showing 6381 comments

  • Viktoryia Paulovich
    signed 2022-01-27 07:24:13 -0700
  • Jonathan Yee
    signed 2022-01-27 07:23:45 -0700
  • Austin Munro
    signed 2022-01-27 07:23:37 -0700
  • Brigitte Renaud
    signed 2022-01-27 07:23:33 -0700
  • Tammy Charlton
    signed 2022-01-27 07:23:27 -0700
  • Brent Aylesworth
    signed 2022-01-27 07:23:24 -0700
  • Jordan Neels
    signed 2022-01-27 07:22:58 -0700
  • Gaylene Yanick
    signed 2022-01-27 07:22:51 -0700
  • Eli A
    signed 2022-01-27 07:22:40 -0700
  • Bernie Robitaille
    signed 2022-01-27 07:22:32 -0700
  • Lauren Baile
    signed 2022-01-27 07:22:29 -0700
  • Matt Sydenham
    signed 2022-01-27 07:22:13 -0700
  • Trevor Bernes
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:50 -0700
  • Vincent Landry
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:33 -0700
  • John Jenkins
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:31 -0700
  • Robert Tizzard
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:24 -0700
  • Ross Holben
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:22 -0700
  • Jason Barnsley
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:13 -0700
    The reasoning is that our courts are clogged with traffic violations. Well, maybe we should look at that problem first, and get rid of many of the scam traffic violations that are not about creating safe roads but are money creating schemes, essentially road taxes. I got a ticket last year because my new truck didn’t have mudflaps, because they were on back order due to pandemic supply chain problems. What a ridiculous regulation! I had to go to traffic court, taking a day off work to fight a ridiculous regulation, that is nothing more than a road tax, pure and simple. There are thousands of older trucks that have no mudflaps! The idea that “driving is a privilege” is a manipulation of your freedoms by government fiat, and the sheeple play along. You didn’t need a license to drive a horse and buggy. The government saw a money making control scheme, manipulated the sheeple by saying “think about the safety of mothers and children!!!”, and everyone goose-stepped along! This is a perfect example of how the public is manipulated into giving up their rights, and they’re doing it again.
  • Douglas Murray
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:04 -0700
  • David Nelson
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:04 -0700
  • John Kern
    signed 2022-01-27 07:21:02 -0700
    This government seems determined to undermine our rights and consolodate police (governmental) controls.

    Lets not vote our freedomns away!
  • Nathan Hillier
    signed 2022-01-27 07:20:35 -0700
  • Jon Fitzlaff
    signed 2022-01-27 07:20:35 -0700
  • Rod Pettigrew
    signed 2022-01-27 07:20:17 -0700
  • Josephine Fothergill
    signed 2022-01-27 07:20:10 -0700
  • Joanne Johnson
    signed 2022-01-27 07:20:07 -0700
  • Jason Wiebe
    signed 2022-01-27 07:20:01 -0700
  • Daryl Volkman
    signed 2022-01-27 07:19:45 -0700
  • Andy Glatiotis
    signed 2022-01-27 07:19:42 -0700
    This trend establishes a police state and ends democracy
  • Douglas Plaxton
    signed 2022-01-27 07:19:35 -0700