
Recall Coming To Alberta



We just watched Alberta's Minister of Justice Kaycee Madu table Bill 52, The Recall Act, in the Legislature.

That's right, Recall is coming to Alberta!

This is a huge win for Albertans, and for the Alberta Institute.

Alberta Minute: Legislature Returns, Lethbridge Police, and A Possible Time Change Referendum

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


Alberta Minute: COVID Controversy, Budget Estimates, and a Long Awaited Modernization

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


Budget 2021 Estimates

The Estimates process is the means by which the Alberta Legislature scrutinizes the government's spending.

Cabinet has now tabled their estimated budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

This budget constitutes the Cabinet's best estimate of what this upcoming fiscal year will cost.

After the budget is tabled, each government department will have its spending plans scrutinized by the appropriate Committees through what is referred to as estimates debate.

Alberta Minute: 2021 Budget, Recall Legislation, and Citizens-Initiated Referenda

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


Alberta Minute: Budget Day, Gun Bans, and Progressive Groups Pushing Sales Taxes

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


Alberta Minute: Family Day, Weather Records, and Ongoing Emergency Dispatch Controversy

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


Alberta Minute: Hockey Relaxed, Gyms Restricted, and a Possible Separation Referendum

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


Alberta Minute: Parole Boards, Inquiry Extensions, and Even More Bad News

Alberta Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Alberta politics.


Alberta Legislature by IQRemix on Flickr


Keystone XL Cancellation Requires East-West Pivot



As promised, newly inaugurated President Joe Biden brought the axe down on the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day in office.

Short of a highly unlikely major policy reversal by a popular newly-elected President, or a court process that could take years, the permit’s cancellation effectively puts an end to any hope of completing the pipeline expansion.

Sadly, as the chances of Keystone XL faded, so did the hopes of Alberta energy workers and businesses, who have been crushed by wave after wave of bad news in recent years and were clinging on to Keystone XL as one of the very few remaining lights at the end of the tunnel.